RSnake Report 20240824

Deceptive drones and oil

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Hello, thanks for reading, and I hope you are having a wonderful weekend! Today, I want to dig in a little into the new munitions we are starting to see appear, especially the covert ones disguised as other things, typically trucks. For instance, this Shahed launch platform looks like an ordinary shipping truck but is anything but. It is useful to consider how easy it would be to transport and launch these from virtually any place accessible by road.

Shahed drone fired from carrier

It is reminiscent of what Hamas and Hezbollah have been using, by hiding rockets within tanker trucks as improvised mobile launch platforms and what China is supposedly working on, using shipping containers. Even chunks of wood are no longer safe, as mines are camouflaged to be virtually undetectable unless directly scrutinized. So, I suspect we will see a lot more of these low-viz launch systems. Of course, the terrain is also your friend. In this highly produced terrorist recruiting video is a useful example of how terrorist organizations hide missile systems underground.

Meanwhile, Russia is experimenting with ultra-cheap drones, and Ukraine is testing drones that carry drones—not a new concept but definitely extending the range and capabilities. Ukraine also reportedly has a new homegrown “Palyanitsa” drone that uses a jet, and there are even rumors that it extends the range to virtually anywhere in Russia.

“first and successful combat use”

Attacks on energy continue. There is some pretty impressive footage out of a Kavkaz getting hit by presumably either by a Ukranian Neptune anti-ship missile against the train ferry “Conro Trader, “ which had 30 fuel tankers with 25 tons each and/or against the oil depot there. The smoke can be seen on the beaches of Crimea. Ominous! There is some speculation that that more or less cuts off Crimea aside from a single bridge, which is now looking like a very juicy target and has already been attacked before. Below is the best photo I’ve seen yet, where you can make out the ferry before it sank.

Conro Trader on fire

Also, the Rostov oil processing facility that Ukraine attacked earlier this week is looking no better than it has been, now burning for a week. And the Houthis out of Yemen finally did fully attack and destroy that tanker ship that was adrift - it was carrying approximately two times the amount of oil as the Exxon Valdez, so this will likely have huge environmental impact on that region.

There have been more and pretty spectacular attacks on airfields, as we talked about last time. The Russian air defense seems largely useless at this point due to an increase in attacks against airfields and weapons that target Russian radar capabilities, not to mention good surface to air defense keeping Russian air capabilities to a minimum.

“SAM battery engaging an air target”

Sanctions and shortages of the chemical polymethylenephenylisocyan appear to be affecting various manufacturing systems around Russia, and it’s having an effect on the long-term outlook financially for that country. While I would be very careful about any data coming out of Russia the moment there is some evidence that sanctions are having their desired effect.

Hackers broke into Russian media and began to run videos explaining what is going on inside of Ukraine to the Russian people, who are largely disconnected from what is occurring due to the stranglehold on media by the state. Russian newspapers are saying that the country has fallen into a deep depression and… or but…(?) Russia hit a five-year high in contraceptive spending.

Meanwhile, reportedly, Russia has tapped Iran out of missiles, and that may be surprisingly holding together peace in the Middle East. Russia is clearly trying its best to strike back, and it appears they are amassing more troops to that end and building trenches in preparation. What sort of quality of troops remains to be seen, but I’m skeptical they are much more than conscripts.

“Russian forces continue to build a defensive line”

Back in the US of A, at the DNC, the Kamala contingent has been distancing itself from the traditionally left-voting Palestinian voting bloc. They kicked out people holding signs, they allowed former hostages to give their heartfelt speeches, and Kamala herself even took to the stage to that end, saying, “Let me be clear, I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself…” That certainly did not make the protesters happy as they clashed with Chicago police.

Okay, onto the articles!

The US has imposed sweeping sanctions on hundreds of firms in Russia and Across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, accusing them of providing products and services that enable Russia’s war effort.

  • The US has imposed sanctions on hundreds of firms in Russia and across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

  • Among those sanctioned were 60 Russian-based technology and defense companies, including three Russian financial tech companies.

  • Firms in Turkey, France, and Hong Kong that act as suppliers to Russia-based Promtekh have also been sanctioned.

As we said, the sanctions may actually be working, but man, they are taking time. Though, we have seen China pulling back and buying less fuel from Russia as they fear more sanctions too. That leaves a lot less money flowing into Russia which already has a tiny GDP compared to the US. Russia: $2.01 trillion (2020 est.) USA: $15.68 trillion (2020 est.).

Following an assassination attempt on former President Trump during a rally in Pennsylvania, several Secret Service agents have been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation into security lapses. The attack, which resulted in Trump's injury and a death, has raised significant concerns about the effectiveness of the Secret Service’s protocols and communication during high-profile events.

  • An assassination attempt on former President Trump occurred at a rally, injuring him and killing a volunteer fire chief.

  • Multiple Secret Service agents have been placed on administrative leave as part of an investigation into security protocol failures.

  • Concerns have been raised regarding communication breakdowns and insufficient protective measures at the event.

I don’t think this is a surprise to anyone. At a very minimum, there are questions that need to be answered without their proximity to potentially tamper with evidence. A crime was committed, and the proper investigative procedure is to distance all involved from the evidence and each other during the investigation, even if they are law enforcement.

Pokrovsk, a significant logistics hub for Ukraine, is under increasing threat from advancing Russian forces, now only 10 kilometers away. The town's capture would hamper Ukraine's military supply lines and risk the safety of other strategic locations in the region. Evacuations have begun as civilians face heightened danger amidst intensified warfare.

  • Pokrovsk is a crucial railway and logistical center for Ukraine's military operations in the Donbas region.

  • Russian forces are advancing on Pokrovsk, posing risks to Ukrainian defense and supply lines.

  • The loss of Pokrovsk could lead to the collapse of defenses in nearby towns and symbolize further territorial gains for Russia.

Ukraine may not be able to handle any serious offensive against Pokrovsk. It remains to be seen how this plays out.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his presidential campaign and endorsed former President Trump, citing difficulties with the Democratic Party's primary election process.

  • Kennedy accused the Democratic Party of waging 'continual legal warfare' against him and President Trump.

  • Kennedy cited systematic censorship and media control as reasons for his decision to suspend his campaign and endorse Trump.

  • Conservatives on social media applauded Kennedy's move, while liberals criticized it, with some calling it a betrayal of the values held by Kennedy's father and family.

Expect this to lead to scandals. The most recent one is he claims that the Biden administration forced Boris Johnson to get Ukraine to tear up a signed peace agreement with Putin. We will no doubt hear a lot more about him and this.

The Taliban government has issued a public ban on women's voices and bare faces in public, as part of new laws aimed at promoting virtue and preventing vice.

  • Article 13 relates to women, mandating veiling and face covering in public, as well as modest clothing

  • Article 17 bans the publication of images of living beings, while Article 19 bans music, solo female travel, and mixing of men and women

  • The promotion of virtue includes prayer, aligning character and behavior with Islamic law, and inviting people to comply with the five pillars of Islam

Over the past day, Russia lost approximately 1,130 soldiers, including both killed and wounded personnel. Additionally, 46 artillery systems and 7 tanks were destroyed or captured. The total combat losses of Russian forces since February 2022 are estimated to be around 604,140 military personnel.

  • Russia lost over 1,000 soldiers and several artillery systems in the past day.

  • The total number of Russian combat losses since February 2022 is estimated to be around 604,140 military personnel.

At this rate, we could see it approaching 800k to a million by the end of the year. Losing a million able-bodied men is a huge hit to a country of their size in terms of productivity, not to mention the devastation to their families.

Italy's aircraft carrier Cavour is conducting joint exercises with Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force in the Indo-Pacific region, marking a significant escalation of military cooperation between the two countries. The deployment involves the latest stealth fighter jets and is part of an increasing Italian presence in the region. A bilateral Multi-Large Deck Event was also conducted with the US Navy.

  • Italy's aircraft carrier Cavour arrived at Yokosuka naval base in Japan for joint exercises with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.

  • The deployment involves the latest stealth fighter jets, including F-35B and AV-8B, and is part of an increasing Italian presence in the Indo-Pacific region.

  • A bilateral Multi-Large Deck Event was conducted with the US Navy, marking a significant escalation of military cooperation between Italy and Japan.

The United States is exploring strategies to compete with China in the global 5G technology market due to concerns over security and economic implications.

  • The U.S. is identifying strategies to maintain competitiveness in global 5G technology against China's advancements.

  • Chinese firms dominate the telecom market partly due to government subsidies and influence over international standards.

  • The implications of 5G development are tied to national security risks, including potential vulnerabilities from reliance on foreign technology.

More balkanization. But we are right to be concerned. Absolutely nothing coming out of China should be considered safe, I’m afraid.

Amazon is expanding its satellite processing facility on the Space Coast with a nearly $20 million investment to support its Project Kuiper satellite constellation, which aims to provide global broadband internet and compete with SpaceX's Starlink.

  • Amazon is investing $19.5 million to expand its satellite processing facility in Florida.

  • The expansion supports Project Kuiper, which aims to create a satellite constellation for broadband internet.

  • Amazon needs to meet FCC deadlines for launching a significant number of satellites by specific dates.

NVIDIA is presenting advancements in their Blackwell platform at the Hot Chips 2024 conference, focusing on multi-node liquid cooling solutions and AI agents that enhance chip design.

  • NVIDIA's Blackwell platform combines various chips and systems to optimize AI performance.

  • Liquid cooling technology is being implemented to enhance energy efficiency in data centers.

  • AI models are being developed to assist in semiconductor design and chip manufacturing processes.

This is obviously huge for enterprises, but I am much more interested in local models. So, unless this can be shipped to consumers, I have my eye elsewhere. The more I think about this, the more I think we cannot trust big tech to handle our personal data safely, and the only way true AGI works is if it knows virtually everything about us. If you feel you are unsafe, you are less likely to share everything with those systems, and they will work poorly. Not to mention the censorship and biases built into those systems.

Meta has introduced an AI-assisted root cause analysis system to improve incident response and system reliability. This new tool combines heuristic methods and large language model ranking to streamline investigations, achieving a 42% accuracy in identifying root causes during the initial stages of an investigation. The company aims to further enhance these capabilities, potentially enabling proactive risk mitigation before code changes are implemented.

  • Meta has developed an AI system to assist with root cause analysis in incident response.

  • The system achieved 42% accuracy in identifying root causes during investigations.

  • Future developments may include proactive incident detection before code pushes.

This sort of reasoning will be super useful down the road. We can all use these features to diagnose all sorts of issues we deal with in all sorts of circumstances. I am excited about additional reasoning capabilities, and given that Meta is on a tear about releasing things as open-source models, we might even get to play with this tech sooner than later. 42% isn’t great, but it’s also not bad either, and this is the worst it will ever be.

Japan is advancing its autonomous vehicle capabilities with a new project for self-driving electric taxis initiated by the startup Tier IV. The vehicles will be tested in Tokyo starting in November and aim for commercial operation, addressing transportation needs amid declining public transit options and a shortage of drivers in the country.

  • Tier IV is launching a prototype for self-driving taxis in Tokyo.

  • The Japanese government aims for Level 4 autonomous transportation services by 2027.

  • A shortage of drivers due to an aging population is prompting the development of these autonomous vehicles.

A buddy of mine came back from China and told me they are at least a decade ahead of us in self-driving cars, by the way.

Apple is making updates to its browser choice screens and expanding app default settings in compliance with the European Union's Digital Markets Act (DMA). These changes are aimed at increasing user choice and competition within its mobile ecosystem while addressing concerns from the European Commission about compliance with DMA obligations.

  • Apple is redesigning browser choice screens for iOS and iPadOS to improve user experience.

  • The updates include changes in app default settings, allowing EU users more control over their device.

  • These adjustments are a response to the ongoing DMA probe by the European Commission.

They’re doing it through gritted teeth, I’m sure, but that’s okay. I do think consumer choice is better. I wonder what the studies say - will everyone just choose Chrome?

The FBI has reported an unprecedented rise in combined security threats facing the United States, including terrorism, cybercrime, foreign election interference, and espionage. The agency highlights growing concerns over Chinese and Russian state-sponsored threats and the increasing sophistication of cyberattacks that target critical infrastructure and sensitive data.

  • The FBI warns of a simultaneous rise in multiple security threats to the U.S.

  • China and Russia are identified as the most significant intelligence threats.

  • There is a growing sophistication in cyberattacks targeting U.S. infrastructure.

It is growing and focused almost entirely on preparing to actually execute the bad thing, whatever that is. That is a change from before where they were mostly about landing and expanding. It means they may be preparing for… something.

As Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues, a Telegram channel and website called Deep State has become a crucial tool for tracking the ever-shifting front line. The map, which uses public data and insider intelligence, has been viewed millions of times and is used by both Ukrainians and Russian soldiers to monitor the conflict.

  • A Telegram channel and website called Deep State has created a live tracker of Ukraine's front line, using public data and insider intelligence.

  • The map has been viewed millions of times and is used by both Ukrainians and Russian soldiers to monitor the conflict.

  • The channel's success has attracted more users, with over 700,000 subscribers on Telegram and original reports published through a free app.

Without having to read everything in the article, you can just go to the map directly if you want to see what’s afoot. It’s a good resource.

Iranian hackers group APT42 targeted WhatsApp accounts of US officials from both the Biden and Trump administrations, masquerading as technical support for online services.

  • The hacking attempts involved a small number of accounts posing as technical support for various online services.

  • Meta blocked these accounts after users flagged them as suspicious, and there was no evidence to suggest that the targeted WhatsApp accounts had been successfully compromised.

  • The hackers are believed to be connected to an intelligence division within Iran's military, which is known for installing malware on mobile devices of its targets.

A high-severity vulnerability (CVE-2024-7971) has been found in Google's Chrome browser, a type confusion bug in the V8 JavaScript and WebAssembly engine. An exploit for this vulnerability exists in the wild. The issue will be addressed in the next version of Chrome, which is set to roll out over the next few days.

  • A high-severity vulnerability (CVE-2024-7971) has been found in Google's Chrome browser.

  • The flaw is a type confusion bug located in the V8 JavaScript and WebAssembly engine.

  • An exploit for this vulnerability exists in the wild.

Patch up! Seriously.

At least 200 workers at DeepMind, Google's AI R&D division, are displeased with Google's reported defense contracts and have circulated a letter internally citing concerns about the company's involvement with military organizations.

  • Google's defense contracts are reportedly supplying AI and cloud computing services to the Israeli military.

  • At least 200 workers at DeepMind, Google's AI R&D division, have expressed concerns about the company's involvement with military organizations.

I can see the reasons why. Not only do they worry about the implications, but they also make them a military target. But what these people don’t realize is that they have already been part of the military-industrial complex for ages and have been a target since at least Aurora.

A novel Android malware technique has been discovered that steals payment card data using an infected device's NFC reader and relays it to attackers, effectively cloning the card so it can be used at ATMs or point-of-sale terminals.

  • A newly discovered Android malware steals payment card data using an infected device’s NFC reader

  • The NGate malware can relay NFC data from a victim’s card through a compromised device to an attacker’s smartphone

  • NGate prompts users to enter their banking credentials and scan their cards with their phones

SolarWinds has released patches for two critical bugs in its Web Help Desk software, including a vulnerability that allows an unauthenticated attacker to access internal functionalities and data.

  • A critical bug in SolarWinds' Web Help Desk software allowed an unauthenticated attacker to break into the system and modify data.

  • The bug, tracked as CVE-2024-28987, had a CVSS score of 9.1 and was patched after existing for several years in the product.

  • This is the second critical vulnerability in Web Help Desk to be disclosed and patched by SolarWinds in two weeks.

Poor Solar Winds. At least this one wasn’t as traumatic as the last.

The emergence of new top-level domains (TLDs) has led to security vulnerabilities where organizations are unknowingly exposing their internal Microsoft authentication systems to potential interception. A specific case involves the Memphis Police Department, where credentials were found to be sent to a domain that a researcher registered.

  • New TLDs have created vulnerabilities in Microsoft Active Directory setups.

  • Researchers are mapping the scale of the namespace collision problem affecting organizations.

  • Credentials from compromised domains could be exploited by cybercriminals.

This is a weird issue having to do with the fact that many internal orgs name their internal networks using TLDs that don’t exist and then later, someone builds that TLD and suddenly they get control over that network. It’s a common practice, and the list of TLDs are not sacrosanct or immutable.

Halliburton has shut down some of its internal systems following a cyberattack, which was detected after unauthorized access was identified. The U.S. Department of Energy stated that there are currently no indications that energy services are being impacted by the incident.

  • Halliburton experienced a cyberattack resulting in the shutdown of internal systems.

  • The U.S. Department of Energy reported no current impact on energy services.

  • Halliburton is investigating the effects of the incident.

A former bank executive has been sentenced to 24 years in prison for embezzling $47 million and participating in a 'pig butchering' scam, using funds from the bank he managed, and other sources.

  • A former bank executive has been sentenced to 24 years in prison for embezzling $47 million.

  • The scheme also involved theft from a local church, an investment club, and a college savings account.

There really is no way of knowing how bad pig butchering scams actually are because so many victims are loathe to talk openly about their humiliation. Very sad.

The World Economic Forum has warned of a period of 'shock events' that will lead to global instability and the potential for a global government. The forum's head, Klaus Schwab, has stated that the world is on the cusp of a new era where anything can happen, and that this will be characterized by unexpected and destabilizing events.

  • The World Economic Forum has infiltrated government cabinets and altered left-wing politics in Western nations.

  • Klaus Schwab has warned of a new era of 'shock events' that will lead to global instability and the potential for a global government.

  • The forum has predicted three major shock wave events: a new global extremist group emerges, a cyber pandemic occurs, and climate change claims its first island nation.

Global government… that is a very interesting and scary concept to a lot of people. Typically, when this kind of rhetoric is used there are many losers - perhaps many million losers.

Global commodity market peaked in early 2022 and has been stumbling since. China's property sector remains in a multi-year slump, resulting in soft demand for base metals like iron ore and copper. Iron ore prices have slid to a 21-month low with high metal stocks at ports and steel mills, while global supplies remain elevated and consumption is soft.

  • China's property sector remains in a multi-year slump

  • Iron ore prices have slid to a 21-month low with high metal stocks at ports and steel mills, while global supplies remain elevated and consumption is soft.

  • Baowu Steel's chairman warned that the steel industry's downturn could be 'longer, colder, and more difficult to endure than expected'

  • Goldman analysts pointed out that iron ore's fundamental outlook remains bleak

  • Private demand appears to be weakening in China, with urban unemployment rates increasing and corporate demand deposits dropping 18% YoY

China has got to figure out a way to improve those numbers or get to a point where it doesn’t matter anymore.

Former President Donald Trump is launching a cryptocurrency platform called The DeFiant Ones, targeting unbanked and underserved communities.

  • Trump's sons suggest the project could help unbanked people access financial services through decentralized finance technology.

  • However, reports suggest that cryptocurrency transactions may not be less expensive than traditional financial transactions and may even harm low-income individuals' economic well-being.

  • The DeFiant Ones is Trump's second foray into cryptocurrency, following a 2022 promise to fire the chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission during a Nashville event.

Step right up! Who wants to own a piece of something that is likely not to be worth anything in the short future? I can’t say that this is a rug pull in the making, but it sure feels like, at minimum, it’s just a way to collect some campaign donations and allow donors another path to get their money in. The question then becomes are we sure those are US donors. More on that below.

The crypto industry is making significant financial contributions to the U.S. general election, accounting for nearly half of all corporate donations, as it seeks favorable legislation amidst increased regulatory scrutiny. Multiple super PACs are strategically influencing political outcomes by opposing candidates who are critical of cryptocurrency and backing those who support industry-friendly policies, particularly targeting the Biden administration's regulatory agenda.

  • The crypto sector is exerting a strong influence on the 2024 U.S. election through substantial financial contributions.

  • Major crypto-related super PACs are actively campaigning against politicians who oppose industry interests.

  • There is a perception within the crypto industry that the upcoming election is critical for its future viability.

A whistleblower claims that an oilfield linked to a multi-billion dollar scheme in China was actually a chicken farm, and dozens of overseas carbon reduction projects have been faked, potentially totaling $5 billion in fraud. This has led to the collapse of carbon credit prices by about 80% on the open market. German authorities are investigating, but some companies continue to profit from allegedly fake credits.

  • A whistleblower claims that an oilfield linked to a multi-billion dollar scheme in China was actually a chicken farm

  • Dozens of overseas carbon reduction projects have been faked, potentially totaling $5 billion in fraud

  • Carbon credit prices have collapsed by about 80% on the open market

Carbon credits are actually a good thing, and they more or less helped clean up Los Angeles’ smog issues. But only when they are closely monitored, and the carbon comes from sources that are easily tied to the overall carbon usage of the area. These remote carbon credits aren’t worth the paper they’re written on in many cases.

Fast-food chains are facing significant challenges due to rising food, labor costs, and price inflation. As customers perceive fast food as increasingly costly, many are opting for alternatives, causing reduced transaction volumes in the industry, prompting chains to consider price adjustments and operational efficiencies to retain clientele.

  • Food prices have risen considerably, leading to higher costs for fast-food meals.

  • Many consumers now view fast food as an unaffordable option compared to home-cooked meals or more affordable dining alternatives.

  • Fast-food restaurants are exploring ways to manage costs, including menu price adjustments and increased automation.

This is not unusual in high-inflation scenarios. Food shortages may be on the horizon as these businesses can no longer stay functional and as we see retail outfits unable to charge what they need to - especially if we have price fixing mandated by the government.

Workers at Canadian National Railway (CN) plan to strike after a recent lockout involving over 9,000 unionized employees. This labor dispute is critical for Canada's economy, which relies heavily on rail transport for goods, and could lead to significant financial losses if the situation escalates.

  • CN workers are set to strike amid ongoing labor disputes over safety and scheduling.

  • The Canadian government has requested intervention to end the rail stoppage and impose binding arbitration.

  • Business groups express concerns about the economic impact of the rail disruptions.

This won’t help inflation at all. More money printing with fewer goods available leads to increased prices—fun, fun.

Thanks so much for reading, and once again, please forward this newsletter to anyone you think should be reading it. It’s how the newsletter grows, how I know you love it — and encourages me to keep going. I’d really appreciate it!